Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Apartment Requierments

In case you missed it I am moving. That means the hunt for the my new apartment sweet apartment will be on. Since my husband and I will most likely be experiencing the glories of starving students (going back to school) we will not be picking from the oh-so-fancy market. Now, that doesn't mean a girl can't put her foot down in some areas (or that a girl can't dream). Therefore, I am making a list and checking it twice of the things I am hoping will surround my stocking this up coming Christmas night. (Oh and since Santa always leaves candy I am leaving you with some decorating eye candy)

-Big master bedroom (must fit a king and a dresser)   -Dishwasher
-Breakfast nook (any reasonable place to fit a kitchen table and my china cabinet)
-Big Guest/Study/nursery room if it is only 2 bedroom.
-Garbage Disposal
-A living room big enough to have friends over for games.
-A bathroom counter that can comfortably hold my curling iron.
-Rooms where the sun shines

Wants. (The oh-please-oh-please-oh-please-happen-to-haves)
-A little out door space
-Washer and dryer or hook ups
-Full sized oven
-Wood floor (because then I have the excuse to buy a cute rug)
-Cute details like built in shelves.

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