Remember that to-do list for April?
It included painting this old cork board I got at a garage sale for 1 dollar.
It now looks like this
and my to-do list now looks like this.
Finnish Painting Desk
Pick out and instal hardware for the desk
Paint the "golf" frame
Cover white boxes with scrapbook paper
Buy plastic Lion and paint it white
Pick out and hang curtains
Get hieroglyphic art framed
There is still allot on that list. Luckily this cork board helps me to organize all of my thoughts and make decisions on things. Like what color to paint the "golf" frame.
Oh and p.s. If your wondering why I didn't show you the bottum part of the desk its because I have only finished painting the drawers. Weather permitting, the rest will be painted this Saturday. Can you see my happy grin!?